A family story
The Bouffard family has garnered expertise in agriculture from one generation to another. Dairy farmers originally, Alain and Pauline Bouffard, purchased the farms of both of their parents just a few months apart in 1975. In 1992, they decided to sell their milk quota and switch to beef production, then in 2008, to beef finishing. Proud parents of 12 children, they have clearly passed down their passion. Ten of the 12 children work in the agricultural sector, six of them working in the family business.
Beyond the ever-present family bond, the siblings have developed a business model that enables them to be very competitive and to commercialize the products they sell to the maximum. We produce our own beef, which gives us control over our products, from the animals’ birth to our methods of raising them and the food that they eat, because we grow our own crops.
With the opening of its third butcher shop and the possibility of ordering online, the Boucherie Face de Bœuf is a fine example of entrepreneurial succession at the cusp of market trends. “We prioritize and support local suppliers. We encourage the public to do so as well,” noted Sylvie Bouffard.
Our farm
CRSB certification for Ferme Bouffard et Cie
Ferme Bouffard et Cie is now CRSB CERTIFIED, which means that its beef is raised and produced according to SUSTAINABLE BEEF certification standards). For an agricultural operation to attain sustainable certification, a number of indicators must be analyzed, in particular pasture conditions, access to water, site biodiversity, the quality and quantities of the feed provided, the safety measures in place, as well as its recycling and energy efficiency systems. We respect all of the practices regarding the care and handling of cattle.
Boucherie Face de Bœuf is proud to have its beef supplied by Ferme Bouffard et Cie whose operation is certified, and to sell beef with no antibiotics or growth hormones.
Ferme Bouffard et Cie is now VBP+ registered
· Our farm has implemented the elements required respecting food safety, animal care, responsible agricultural land management, and biosecurity on the farm, as per the VBP+ program (elements highlighted in grey in the VBP+ manual);
· Our farm keeps an up-to-date records system;
· Our farm has been fully audited by an auditor, successfully demonstrating that all of the program’s requirements are respected;
· Our farm continues to maintain its VBP+ registration during annual assessments.

Sales outlets
Boucherie Face de Boeuf Sherbrooke
2837, boulevard Queen Victoria
Sherbrooke J1J 4N8
819-481-5555 poste #1
Boucherie Face de Boeuf Ayer’s Cliff
1122, rue Main
Ayer’s Cliff J0B 1C0
819-481-5555 poste #2
Boucherie Face de Boeuf Sherbrooke
4250, chemin St-Roch Sud
Sherbrooke (Québec) J1N 0E8
819-481-5555 poste #3